On the road map of success, self-assessment determines a person’s specific starting point. Only with that knowledge can leaders take the right steps of growth that move them further along the path toward excellence. The following assessments equip leaders to excel:
The Maxwell Leadership Assessment
How well do individuals in positions of leadership in your organization actually lead? What do other team members think of their level of influence? What if you could assess a leader or potential leader in 360 degrees: from above, below, and alongside? The Maxwell Leadership Assessment is an in-depth assessment that measures a person’s influence, based on our 5 Levels of Leadership methodology. It assesses the individual according to 64 important factors, through self-assessment, combined with anonymous feedback from supervisors, colleagues, direct reports, and others. Through this comprehensive 360-degree assessment, leaders accurately identify both their areas of strength and their opportunities for growth. This self-knowledge and team knowledge results in better teamwork, increased confidence, and more targeted leadership development.
RightPath – Path4 and Path6 Behavioral Assessments
Why do team members within your organization interact the way that they do? Where does conflict between different personalities come from, and what can be done to resolve it? People make behavioral choices based on their unique personalities, and an understanding of individuals’ behavioral tendencies results in more effective leadership. Greater self-knowledge and team knowledge leads to improved interaction, resulting in better teamwork, greater productivity, increased revenue, and greater employee engagement. The RightPath – Path4 and Path6 Behavioral Assessments are easy-to-take online assessments that provide fast results, with practical clues as to why people behave the way they do, how different personalities best interact, and how best to lead varied individuals. They are powerful tools for an organization’s development needs – including hiring, team-building, diversity training, conflict-resolution, emotional intelligence, and leadership.